Angel in the Sky...
Angel in the sky, You have touched so many lives;Your angelic voice is no longer heard.You left without a word of good-bye, yet you embraced people with your generous ways.Angel in the sky,As you rest your head with God, you are being remembered through your music and the positive lifestyle you lived.Angel in the sky,The songbird that flew away too soon…The songbird that is loved by many, your fans love you and miss you.Angel in the sky,It is Thirteen years without your smile or personality. You are one of a kind;the artist that will never be forgotten,and will always be in our hearts forever.
Although some of us have just heard of you, Selena, you are the epiteme of an artist that was bound for sucess,and we wish you were here to witness your best.
Angel in the sky we will see you again one day... so, sleep peacefully and know that we will never forget the angel in the sky.
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