The Selena Foundation Mission Statement:
"To offer the motivation that every child needs to complete their education, to live moral lives, to love their families, to respect human life and to sing whatever song they were born to sing."
Thank you for your interest in donating to The Selena Foundation. It is our pleasure to provide you with any information you need in making your proposed contribution.
The Selena Foundation was established in May 1995 to receive the donations that came to us shortly after Selena's death. Most contributions were sent with condolences to the family and simply said to please do something with the donation in Selena's memory. The Selena Foundation was established in response to those requests. We are honored to have had a generous response from many individuals as well as a number of corporate contributions. The following list will give you an idea of the diversity of our corporate donors.
Time, Inc. - General Mills - Q Productions, Inc. - Nations Bank - Spohn Health Systems - Intellistar - The Brownsville Herald - KRIO - 66th Street Auto Center, Houston - Tejano Ranch - Pittsburgh Agency - Hard Rock Cafe - J.C. Penney - Pace Productions - Nueces National Bank - General Motors - Selena, Etc., Inc. - El Paso Times - Fiesta Mart - Gallery Furniture (Astrodome Tribute) - PM Restaurant Group (Checkers-Houston)
Principal donations made by The Selena Foundation are: